Monday, May 25, 2009

One month down!

Well, we did it! Saturday was the official one month mark for deployment, and yes, we survived. So far, I have found that the first month is one of the hardest. There is so much adjusting that has to take place. Emily is older this go-round and therefore has had a slightly more difficult time getting settled. (We went through a very long week where I swear she was trying to kill her sister.) Things have settled down drastically and now we have a steady "deployment" routine.

In celebration of putting the first month behind us, the girls and I went out to breakfast! We walked to a cafe down the street from our house and enjoyed pancakes and chocolate milk. I thought blowing out a candle might make it more festive, and Emily concurred. Each month that we knock out, we will add a new candle. Its just another way for me to help Emily count down to her Daddy's homecoming.

Cheesy grin and pink candles!
I have been able to talk to Corey several times since he has been gone, and he is doing quite well. He has been very busy, and by the smile I hear in his voice, he is enjoying himself immensely.
I'm so proud of him, and all of the men he serves with. They are working very hard right now, doing things very few would voluntarily do. Seeing as today is Memorial Day, I want to remind everyone that there is so much to be thankful for in this country. Many men and women have died to ensure us that luxury.
So take a moment, and say a prayer. Be grateful for the beautiful country you live in, and all of the liberties you are entitled to just for being here...
and realize, that freedom isn't free. Just because you aren't over seas, fighting the fight, doesn't mean its not happening. Support your troops, and understand, that they are over there so that you don't have to be.

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