Emily has been learning a lot about nature at school this past month. So I decided to take the lesson home with us. We were at the Home Depot the other day to pick up some flowers for the porch and I saw this handy little "Tomato Kit". It came with everything we needed to start growing our very own tomatoes. Emily was thrilled with the idea, so we raced home to get started. We mixed up the soil and stuck in our seeds and have been waiting, not so patiently, to see some results. Well today we got them! We were outside this morning, and I noticed that we finally had our first shoot. Emily was excited. I was excited. There may have been some dancing involved. The interesting part about it though, is that by the end of the day, there were over 16 shoots in the pot. Now the directions specifically stated not to put more the 10 seeds in the container. Call me a pessimist, but I probably put in about 20...
OK, more like 25. Hey,
I'm not about to disappoint a three year old. I need
guaranteed results!
I'm not quite sure what
I'm going to do with all of them once they get bigger, but I do know that we will have tomatoes... and I will have one very happy 3 year old.

Our handy "seedling" pot.

Our beautiful..and abundant shoots!
I always love it when I'm talking to my childless friends and they ask me if Ive tried "such and such restaurant, Its so fantastic ", or they dare mention the idea of a lunch date with me AND the kids. Are you kidding me? I would rather stab myself with a knitting needle..thank you very much. Listen people! Kids are no fun in restaurants! Anyone who tries to tell you other wise is lying through their little teeth.
Do you really think that going out to eat is a fun and enjoyable activity, when the entire time you are there you are trying to avoid: screaming, food throwing, crayon eating, milk spilling, messy hands, messy tables, upturned plates, thrown plates, glares from the next table over and bathroom emergencies, all in a confined space, where you are also trying to feed yourself and avoid your kids dinner from becoming an accessory on your shirt? I think not! I prefer to keep my messes at home, where I can hose the kids down when they're done!

Case in Point.

Cute she may be, but
that's the kind of cute I keep within these four walls.
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