On Wednesday, the girls and I hit the Del Mar Fair! We met up with a few friends and had an amazing day, running around, riding rides, playing games, and stuffing our faces with delicious food! It was such a great day!
These pictures are a little out of order...but you get the point!

What better way to top off a day of Funnel Cake, Strawberry Lemonade, Cheeseburgers, a plate of fries the size of my head, and a trip to the beer garden! Super-sized doughnut? Yes Please!

Me and my Posse!

Sam wanted a toy so bad!

Emily won this by scooping ducks out of a pond.

Emily had to use a net, Sam had her own way of doing things!

Our group!


Casey and the most delicious Funnel Cake on the Planet!

First ride..not a good choice. It spun. A lot.

The girls...and the "impulse" buy. They were confiscated shortly after. I know! I
don't know what I was thinking when I made the decision to buy those.

Emily on her "Hog".

Her favorite ride.

Oh wait...I think this might have been the favorite.

I wish I had a better shot of this. Emily was REALLY REALLY high. She still weighs about a 1/2 pound over nothing, so she got launched!

Watching the Sliders.

Sam taking it all in. She was rolling in the dirt shortly after this was taken.

This was a lot of fun. I have slide burns on my elbow to prove it!
It really was a great day. We have never done anything like that with the kids before and they loved every second of it! We cant wait to go next year!
An update on other things... I cant believe its been so long since I posted!
Samantha got her ears pierced! She was such a trooper. She cried for just a couple of minutes and then her big sister stepped in and made it all better. The chocolate shakes that followed didn't hurt either.
Corey is doing well. Staying busy and sends his love to everyone.
Emily is finishing up swim lessons and is eager to start soccer in a few weeks.
I signed up to run a half marathon! Holy crap! Its in November so I have plenty of time to train..although my body is telling me otherwise! Wish me luck!
That's all for now folks! I promise to write again soon!
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