Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swimming pools and Cake-in-a-Jar

Emily started swim lessons today. She hasn't really had much practice in a pool, as most of our swimming is done in the ocean. I was a little nervous about how she would handle it, especially since I wouldn't be going in the water with her. Surprise, surprise, she did great! She got right into the water and quickly began chatting away with the other children in the pool. I was so proud!

My little swimmer hanging poolside.

She wasn't too sure about floating on her back.

This poor girl was trying desperately to get Emily to put her face in the water.

Lobster crawl along the side of the pool.
Emily did so great today and I was so proud of her. She got a little testy when she had to get out of the pool. So I guess that means that she will eagerly get back in on Thursday.

Ive already gotten started on Corey's first care-package. One of the things he said he was going to miss the most while he was gone, was my baking. This was a little surprising to me considering he almost always protests when I offer to bake. Although I'm pretty sure that's because he has little-to-no self control when it comes to baked goods.
I recently discovered the concept of baking in canning jars and then sealing them up so that they are preserved longer! Imagine my excitement! Not only do I feel like I'm conducting a science experiment in my kitchen, but I also have the reward of knowing that though I cant take care of him personally, I can send a little bit of home to Corey. So tonight I made his fave. Cinnamon Coffee cake. It turned out great! So I have 3 to send him right away. He is going to be so excited.


Leann I Am said...

What a great idea! I'd never seen that before! Do you use a special recipe or just split a normal mix up to fill the jars?

Allison said...

Ive started with quick bread recipies since apparently they are a garuntee. Im branching out to other cakes soon. Its so easy! If you google jar cakes you will be endowed with a wealth of knowledge!

Kassandra said...

Oh my gosh! Emily is just looking too grown up. Must see her soon!
Miss you all and I really want to try that cake jar baking thing... hehe