At the last minute, we decided to take a trip out to Washington to visit my brother Ariel and his wife Kassi in Seattle. Washington has just gotten a ton of snow, so we were excited to get the girls out there. We arrived in the middle of the night, so Emily didn't know about the snow until the next morning. All morning, through breakfast, baths and getting ready, all she could talk about was making snow angels. I'm not quite sure how she knew about snow angels, but she was dead set on making one. She gets outside and starts stomping through the snow. She gets a funny look on her face and then stomps back to the sidewalk. I asked her what was the matter. Her response..."Mommy, I'm not ever making snow angels! Never, Never. This isn't snow, this is ice!" I didn't know what to say. I tried as hard as I could to stifle my laughter, but I couldn't help it. The things that have been coming out of her mouth lately! She just gets more funny with age!

We did lots of driving on this trip. Little Sam is a road tripping pro!

We took the girls sledding for the first time. Emily wasn't a huge fan, but Sam loved it!

Ariel and Kassi sledding

Sour puss and Daddy after an unsuccessful sledding trip.

The beautiful couple!

Seattle Space Needle!
I was excited to see the Space Needle. Everyone else in our group decided to be party poopers so Emily and I went up together. Emily was amazed by the elevator that took us all the way to the top. In the end, I was happy it was just Emily and I. We very rarely get to do things just her and I. She can appreciate the fun.

Taking in the View

So excited!

There were telescopes placed about every ten feet around the top of the Space Needle. Emily insisted on taking in the sights from every single one! I'm not quite sure how many there were but by the time she was finished...I was exhausted.

My little tourist!

One of the many beautiful views.
Next, we moved on to the Seattle Science Center. This place was amazing. The girls were so excited to run around and play. They had a lot of fun playing with Uncle Ariel and Aunt Kassi.

She didn't know what to do first! Everything was so exciting! Lucky for her, Ariel was there to show her the good stuff.

Samantha loved this giant chess board. Two little boys were playing at the time and were very patient when she kept moving their pieces.

Notice the cute little creature in the bottom left hand side of this photo.

This was a giant periscope that went up through the ceiling and gave you a 360 degree view of the city.


The giant chair

Emily was spent by the end of the afternoon. Luckily she had a comfortable ride home.
We had such a fun time in Washington. We had no schedule, no plans. It was great. We don't really get to take vacations, and with Corey leaving so soon, it was a much needed break. It was nice to be able to relax with Ariel and Kassi. We don't get to see them nearly as much as we would like. Hopefully it will be a trip that we will be able to repeat again this year.
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