The older Emily gets, the more "chores" she accumulates. Parents have been shocked when I ramble off Emily's daily "to-do" list. Obviously people don't realize the benefit to daily responsibilities. Yes, there are days when Emily down right refuses to do any of them. But one must remember that she is only 3. However, I also appreciate the fact that contributing to the family is a priceless gift that a parent MUST bestow upon their children.
Emily's Daily To-Dos
Make her bed
Feed the fish
Set the table
Clear her dishes after every meal
Put her dishes in the dishwasher if they are dirty
Swiffer Vac the kitchen
Clean out her backpack and lunch pail after school and put them away
Give Mommy hugs and kisses on demand*

This may seem like a lot. In reality however, these are things that anybody who is capable would be doing. If we expose our kids to "chores" early on, then eventually they aren't chores. They turn into things that just "are". Like getting dressed for the day, or going to the bathroom. Its just something that you do. The definition of the word Chore: A task, especially a difficult, unpleasant, or routine one; To steal.
Now I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like very much fun. No one likes to be forced into doing anything. Not too many people can complain about having to go to the bathroom or getting dressed for the day. I think too many people make chores a point of forcing control over their kids. Take the emphasis off the "must" people! When we try to police our kids, that's when they rebel. Give them a sense of pride and ownership, acknowledge when they are a help and an asset. Give them an identity within the family and let them know how truly important they are. In return, they will strive to do whats right.
This may in fact be an entirely idealistic perspective. All I can say is that the encouragement and love that Emily constantly receives has given her great tools to use on a daily basis outside of the home. I see her encouraging and congratulating everyone from her sister, to her classmates and even her teachers. Emily knows that she has so much to offer, and I only pray that that feeling of self-worth lasts. As a parent it is my responsibility to show her that everyone needs to contribute, that sometimes you lose and no matter what the outcome is, she must always do her best, even when she knows it wont be enough. Pride in oneself, and the ability to help others is a gift worth having..wouldn't you agree?
I'll get down from this soap box that I have been standing on and let you all get back to your day. I'm afraid this post got away from me a bit. You all should know by now that when I have an opinion, I love to share. *Wink*
So, get out there and give your kids their own "To-Do" list!
* Non-negotiable