Happy Birthday to Samantha Brianne! I cant believe it has been a year already! We didnt do much along the lines of celebrating today, we wanted to wait until Corey was home. Instead, poor Samantha spent the morning getting poked full of holes at the pediatritian's office. 4 shots and a blood draw. Yikes! She got through it like a champ though. Here is a picture of her at the doctor's office. It was taken on my cell phone, so sorry for the lack of crispness. Her cuteness shines through regardless. Dont you love the bow!
I will post more pictures after her real birthday celebration!

Samantha Brianne
Current Stats:
19 Pounds 11 Ounces
(Just shy of 20 pounds...so she wont get to turn her car seat around. Thats like failing your drivers test on your 16th birthday!)
29 Inches Long
Hi Allison,
Love the blog! It's good to get an update on how you are all doing so far away! Hope things are going well for you all! Tell Corey, Emily, and Sam hi for too! I am going to order some candles for gifts soon...
Much love,
Carrie, Jack, Nick & Grace too!
Happy Birthday Sam!
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