9 months can make! Samantha had her 9 month check up today, and as I sit here watching her chow down on cottage cheese and avacados, Im trying to figure out how we got here so fast. Samantha has truely blossomed into a beautiful, playful and loving baby. She is the best sister Emily could have asked for. (She is small enough to push around, and barely puts up a fight when her toys get taken away!) Sam has been an amazing addition to this family.
I watched the girls playing together this morning. Samantha is finally at an age where Emily can interact with her a little more. They had their play-kitchen out, and the bomb that is their play-food, had gone off in my living room. They were so happy and content to just be with one another. I couldnt help but stop and think about how lucky I am and how truely blessed my life is...
Samantha BrianneCurrent Stats:
17 Pounds 7 Ounces
27 Inches Long
WOW! Oh what a great picture. Yes, the girl's are a blessing to us too. AND, they have wonderful loving parents. Our visit was awesome and we really enjoyed just hanging out with all of you. Happiness & blessings to all of you! Poppa
Everyone looks great! We miss you guys! ~Kim
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