I watched the girls playing together this morning. Samantha is finally at an age where Emily can interact with her a little more. They had their play-kitchen out, and the bomb that is their play-food, had gone off in my living room. They were so happy and content to just be with one another. I couldnt help but stop and think about how lucky I am and how truely blessed my life is...
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." ~ Jane Howard
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What a difference...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Time with Family...
On Thursday, Poppa went to The US Open Golf Tournament to rub elbows with Tiger Woods... So us girls decided to lace up our walking shoes and head to Balboa Park. Its one of our favorite places to visit. It was a beautiful day...
Looking at the giant Koi fish in the lilly pond.
True to form, the grandparents showered the girls with gifts upon arrival. Among many other treasures, Emily recieved a book full of stickers. She decided that the best use for said stickers was to decorate her sister. Samantha really didnt seem to notice! So funny!
Y'all come back now, ya hear!
Monday, June 9, 2008
When the cat's away...the mice go to Toys-R-Us!
Corey's short visit home ended early this morning. So the girls and I decided that we needed a little bit of retail therapy. We hopped into the car and headed to Toys-R-Us. Now, Corey and I don't usually take the girls to Toys-R-Us, due to the fact that our ability to say "no" somehow whithers away the moment we walk through those automatic doors. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe its the over abundance of fluorescent lighting. Anyway, after much wandering and deliberating, we walked out of the store with a new slide, a bubble blowing lawn mower, a new push toy for Samantha, and of course....a lighter wallet.
I must say that it was well worth the investment. Both kids conked out the moment we got into the car, due to excitement induced exhaustion, I believe. They woke from their naps, ready to play and I have barely heard an unhappy peep from the lot!
All in all it has been a wonderful day. The house is clean, the laundry is done and the kids are happy. What more could a girl possibly ask for!
Until next time...Cheers!
Blowing bubbles... Chasing them down!
Having fun being a big girl!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Our First Beach Day of the Season!
Samantha...wondering who just put all that sand in her mouth!
Cleaning up!
Taking in the sights.
Best Friends!
Little Miss Sandy Hands!
Tiny Treasures