Here are just a few snapshots.
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." ~ Jane Howard
Thursday, December 25, 2008
December nights...
Here are just a few snapshots.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A quick thought on Family Christmas Photos..
Well things just dont happen that easy around here. The meltdowns started fast and furious, boogers were running down small noses, and ornaments were getting tossed like Thanksgiving leftovers. To top it all off...I took about 30 pictures...after much jumping, singing and dancing (the only tricks I know to get my girls to smile for pictures.), and came out with not one good picture! NOT ONE!
I dont see why people do this to their kids anyway. I mean, life is not a perfectly posed photo in front of a tree. Life IS boogers, tantrums and beautiful, antsy children... at least ours is.
We are going to try one more time tonight, and if it doesnt go well... then prepare yourself for a Christmas card with beautiful girls, a fancy tree...and some boogers and tears!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Twirly Skirts and a CCR jam session!
We did a little house work the other night. We are a family that likes to whistle while we know, a spoon-full of sugar and what not. So, we turned up the Creedence Clearwater Revival. Emily loved it! She is starting to develop her own style in regards to music and dance. She just so happened to get a HUGE kick out of CCR...and decided to let the music move her! I think she might have inherited Corey's fantastic sense of rhythm..LOL!
Here's just a small taste of the magic...Enjoy, I know I did!
*CAUTION* This one might make you dizzy!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November in San Diego..
It was a blustery 65 degrees today, so we bundled up the kidlets in their sweatpants and t-shirts (ha ha to all of you freezing your buns off today!) and headed out.
Samantha...doing her thing.
The Trouble with Popsicles...
Now, I tried to explain to her that Popsicles where best held by the stick. But, in being determined to do things her own way, Sam decided the best way to hold her Popsicle was by the..well, Popsicle. This resulted in some major crying and blubbering on Sam's part. She wanted to eat the Popsicle more then anything but the pain that resulted from her tiny frozen fingers was almost too much for her to bear. Sad, I know.
Being the loving and nurturing mother that I am, I decided that this would be a good time to snap some photos.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Day at The Pumpkin Patch!
Samantha's Birthday Party!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Samantha Brianne!
I will post more pictures after her real birthday celebration!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I got a job!.... sort of!
So I have just signed on to start selling Scentsy candles. For those of you who dont know what Scentsy candles are...allow me to give you the run down.
Scentsy candles are wickless, flameless candles. They are similar to your standard tart burners however these plug in so they are much safer. No smoke, no soot, no lead. They melt wax at very low temperatures so if any pets or kids happened to knock one over, there would be no serious incident of burns, ruined furniture and the like.
The bricks of wax that Scentsy manufactures are AMAZING. Now, I have typically been a huge fan of Yankee Candle Co. Until now, I truly believed that they had the strongest, most long-lasting scents. Thats no longer the case. These little bricks are amazing. Because they melt at such low temperatures, they have much higher levels of fragrances then your regular candles and tarts. The fragrances fill the room as soon as the warmer is plugged in and they last forever! (Ok. 60-80 hours)
So thats what Im up to these days! I swear! Emily has only been in school for two weeks and I have already decided that I needed something to fill up my time! So much for taking a break.
I have included a link on my side bar so that you can go directly to my site. If you click the "Place an Order" tab, you can check out what Scentsy has available. I know that you will love it if you try it! My website is still under construction so bear with me while I work out the kinks. I am really excited about this new little adventure of mine.
If any of you would like to host a Scentsy party, let me know and I would love to schedule a date that works with your schedule. Corey should be home through the holidays so I have a lot more flexibility with my time.
An alternative to the Scentsy party in your home, I can also provide you with a Scentsy basket filled with catalogs, a warmer, sample scents and all the order forms you would need if you wanted to do something at work or privately in your home. All hostesses earn free gifts, discounts and half-priced items depending on the amounts of sales done for your event. can always just log on to my website and order directly from me.
Thanks for listening! Check out my site!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Preschool or Bust!
Sigh! What happened to our precious baby! I used to think this day would never come. Now that it's here, well, lets just say I wish I could turn back the clock a bit. Since the day Emily came into this world, her and I have been partners in crime. Attached at the hip, so to speak. She has been my daily inspiration to be a better person and to embrace the world around me, even with all its faults. She has taught me more about life and happiness then I ever thought possible. She has been my test and my accomplishment. Its amazing how much our children teach us. Here we arrogantly think that our children are here for us to shape and mold, that they are a direct reflection of us. It turns out that we are a direct reflection of them, if we choose. If we allow ourselves to embrace them and take the time to look through their eyes, see all the possibilities and wonder that they see. It can truly be an awakening experience.
Now that Emily has finished this chapter with me, I know that its time for me to let her go, as scary as that may be sometimes. I treasure every moment that she has shared with me. I look forward to watching her grow and change, and to see what she decides to mold and shape for herself.
Best Friends...She always does exactly as her Daddy does.
I really love this photograph.
It was a big day of sorts for Samantha too! Out and about with Mommy and Daddy... All by herself!