Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday nights just aint what they used to be!

It's Friday night!! What are three, fun-loving ladies up to on such a night?

Eating pizza and dancing to the opening credits of "Madagascar"! Of course!

It's 7:30pm and I'm just getting started on my second cup of coffee for the evening. Why I'm drinking coffee so late is beyond me, although it probably had something to do with the fact that at 4 this afternoon I could barely keep my eyes open.

I have an evening planned just for me. I'm about to put the girls down for the night, and then its just me and my Kindle. An evening on the couch reading is definitely time well spent. I just finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. It was fantastic! So I plan on getting started on the rest of her novels. As you have probably noticed by my lack of updates, the summer reading challenge is on hold. I'm having a hard time focusing on the enormity of the task and must humbly admit that I just don't have it in me at the moment. Feel free to follow my current reads that I update on my side bar.

My parents are coming into town for a visit tomorrow. The girls and I are really looking forward to it. Sunday is probably going to be a movie day. I want to take the girls to go see "Up". It looks super cute and the kids love going to the movies.

Other then that, we have very little planned. Just the way I like it!

Till next time!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's a mopey, tear drop in my coffee cup, sort of day.

Pathetic. I know.

Its funny the sort of things you start to miss about a person when they aren't around. Things, that on any given day, don't really seem to matter all that much.

I don't have to race to get that last full cup of coffee. I wish I did. I don't have to stand on my tip toes for hugs these days. There are left overs in my fridge. The toothbrush that rests next to mine stays dry. There are no whiskers in my sink. There is not a single giant shoe piled up by my front door, and there is no gear stuffed in my downstairs closet.

Small observations... things that I miss.

I know, still pathetic.

But I'm entitled. Its a mopey, tear drop in my coffee cup, sort of day.

Monday, May 25, 2009

One month down!

Well, we did it! Saturday was the official one month mark for deployment, and yes, we survived. So far, I have found that the first month is one of the hardest. There is so much adjusting that has to take place. Emily is older this go-round and therefore has had a slightly more difficult time getting settled. (We went through a very long week where I swear she was trying to kill her sister.) Things have settled down drastically and now we have a steady "deployment" routine.

In celebration of putting the first month behind us, the girls and I went out to breakfast! We walked to a cafe down the street from our house and enjoyed pancakes and chocolate milk. I thought blowing out a candle might make it more festive, and Emily concurred. Each month that we knock out, we will add a new candle. Its just another way for me to help Emily count down to her Daddy's homecoming.

Cheesy grin and pink candles!
I have been able to talk to Corey several times since he has been gone, and he is doing quite well. He has been very busy, and by the smile I hear in his voice, he is enjoying himself immensely.
I'm so proud of him, and all of the men he serves with. They are working very hard right now, doing things very few would voluntarily do. Seeing as today is Memorial Day, I want to remind everyone that there is so much to be thankful for in this country. Many men and women have died to ensure us that luxury.
So take a moment, and say a prayer. Be grateful for the beautiful country you live in, and all of the liberties you are entitled to just for being here...
and realize, that freedom isn't free. Just because you aren't over seas, fighting the fight, doesn't mean its not happening. Support your troops, and understand, that they are over there so that you don't have to be.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Another 5k!

This past Sunday was the San Diego Bay Bridge Run/Walk! Its a 4 mile course that starts downtown, crosses over the Coronado Bridge and then ends at a park in Coronado. I signed up with the McClelland clan, and it turned out to be a great morning. It started out as a cool, May-Gray morning, and ended in lots of sunshine.

Lori and I with all the kiddos, before the start of the race!

The girls and I! Ready to go!

There were 8,000 people at this race! This is what the starting line looked like!

The on-ramp to the bridge was intense. Especially when you consider the fact that I had about 40+ pounds of stroller to push and 50+ pounds of children and all they require.

Lori and I on the bridge!
It was a great way to start the day. Corey was definitely missed at this race. We are so accustomed to having him with us. I think this is a race that will definitely land on our "annual" list.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On tomatoes...and why I dont take my kids to restaurants.

Emily has been learning a lot about nature at school this past month. So I decided to take the lesson home with us. We were at the Home Depot the other day to pick up some flowers for the porch and I saw this handy little "Tomato Kit". It came with everything we needed to start growing our very own tomatoes. Emily was thrilled with the idea, so we raced home to get started. We mixed up the soil and stuck in our seeds and have been waiting, not so patiently, to see some results. Well today we got them! We were outside this morning, and I noticed that we finally had our first shoot. Emily was excited. I was excited. There may have been some dancing involved. The interesting part about it though, is that by the end of the day, there were over 16 shoots in the pot. Now the directions specifically stated not to put more the 10 seeds in the container. Call me a pessimist, but I probably put in about 20...OK, more like 25. Hey, I'm not about to disappoint a three year old. I need guaranteed results! I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with all of them once they get bigger, but I do know that we will have tomatoes... and I will have one very happy 3 year old.

Our handy "seedling" pot.

Our beautiful..and abundant shoots!

I always love it when I'm talking to my childless friends and they ask me if Ive tried "such and such restaurant, Its so fantastic ", or they dare mention the idea of a lunch date with me AND the kids. Are you kidding me? I would rather stab myself with a knitting needle..thank you very much. Listen people! Kids are no fun in restaurants! Anyone who tries to tell you other wise is lying through their little teeth.
Do you really think that going out to eat is a fun and enjoyable activity, when the entire time you are there you are trying to avoid: screaming, food throwing, crayon eating, milk spilling, messy hands, messy tables, upturned plates, thrown plates, glares from the next table over and bathroom emergencies, all in a confined space, where you are also trying to feed yourself and avoid your kids dinner from becoming an accessory on your shirt? I think not! I prefer to keep my messes at home, where I can hose the kids down when they're done!

Case in Point.

Cute she may be, but that's the kind of cute I keep within these four walls.

Swimming Pools, Movie Stars & Sickness

Today was a pretty good day...If you ignore the fact that Emily has been running a high fever since yesterday afternoon, and has split her time between vomiting in every toilet in the house and playing like a crazy woman! I don't quite understand the current "sickness" status that we are in. Like I said, Emily came down with a high fever yesterday, quite out of the blue. I finally got it to go down last night, only to have her wake up with one this morning. So, I keep her home from school and prepare myself for a very long day. Low and behold, one dose of Tylenol and the kid is acting just splendid. No fevers, no whining, no problem! Its a beautiful day, so we set up the pool and do what we do best...lounge!

They are out of my sight for 2 minutes, and I come outside and find them both with their stocking caps on! Ive yet to get the scoop on this one!

Whatever makes them happy I guess!

My little Diva!

Unfortunately the day did not end on such a happy note....The dreaded fever returned as did the vomiting. Its 9pm and I just got the little lady down. Here's hoping for a "sick" free day tomorrow.