Monday, August 17, 2009

I need your liver....

and if you cant give me that, then I will gladly accept some of your hard earned cash. Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you a story...

I have a friend. A dear friend named Sarah. Sarah is a mother to two beautiful children, a wife to an amazing man, a daughter, a sister, and a friend to everyone she meets. She is beautiful, she is smart, and she is also quite hilarious.

Sarah was recently diagnosed with PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis), a very rare and progressive liver disease. She is taking this diagnosis head on, and is doing everything she can to raise money and awareness. A team is currently forming, in her name, to walk in the annual Liver Life Walk to support the American Liver Foundation. I have joined the team and am trying to reach a goal of raising $250 for the American Liver Foundation by September 26th! I need your help!!

"My name is Sarah Gillette and I was recently diagnosed with PSC, a rare liver disease that is progressive and currently has no cure. Eventually I will need a liver transplant. As you can imagine, this news rocked my simple life. I have two small children and a wonderful husband, I want to be there to see them all get wrinkles. The reason I am doing this walk it to raise awareness and money. The world of medicine can change dramatically in 10 years...about the time I may need a liver. Your donations can make a difference in the goal to find a cure. Thanks a whole bunch to my friends, family, and complete strangers for making donations. I have never felt so much support and love in such a sad time. Thank you."
If you would like to make a donation please click on the link below and pledge whatever amount you can! Every penny counts in finding a cure!!!!
To learn more about the American Liver Foundation, log onto

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Such is life...

I come to you with head bowed, and tail between legs. I cant believe it has almost been two months since I have written. Am now smacking self on wrist.
What can I say. Sometimes life has us moving at a pace that we aren't completely aware of.
Things have been busy in the Novonty house. I cant exactly remember everything that has been going on lately, but I will do my very best to fill you in on the highlights...
Morgan came to town for about a week and a half. We stayed busy with trips to the zoo and Sea World, the Wild animal park...and an extremely eventful trip to the beach. A trip where I proceeded to step on a sting ray (not fun) and had to be unceremoniously hauled off in a life guard truck and have my foot submerged in a bucket of scalding hot water for an hour. The upside? Morgan got to spend an hour with the lifeguard at the tower, and learned all about the "sting ray shuffle" and rip currents. Educational, is it not? I do my best to make her visits amusing. I think I succeeded this go-round.
Corey's Mom Leslie came into town right on Morgan's coat tails. The girls loved having the company and loved spending time with Grandma Leslie. We didn't really do much, but it was nice to sit back and relax around the house and spend time with the kids. We don't get to see Leslie nearly as much as we'd like, and it was so nice to have family around.
Corey has been gone almost 4 months now. He is doing well and working hard...and we are ready to have him home.
The girls have grown and changed so much in the last four months, that I'm not sure Corey will even recognize them when he gets back.
Emily is growing up to be such an amazing kid. She is so smart and curious about the world around her. She has had me baffled on more then one occasion recently with her questions. Like, "What is gravity?" "How many legs does a bee have?" "How does a tomato change color?" " How can a spider eat a fly?" She has become a fan of the National Geographic channel and her favorite bedtime book is an animal encyclopedia that I have read cover to cover 3x since Corey has been gone.
Emily is also turning into quite the little mommy. She has recently acquired the skill of toasting her own waffles, and usually insists on making breakfast for herself and Samantha. I come downstairs in the morning, and find them at their breakfast table, slurping down yogurt and munching on waffles with a nice thick layer of jelly on them.
She is getting better at helping Samantha with things and taking initiative to clean up when she sees a mess. The most recent example: I was brushing my teeth today, and while I was brushing, Emily informed me that my toothbrush had fallen in the toilet....YESTERDAY!! When I handed her the toothbrush and asked her to throw it away, her response was "Its OK Mommy, I wiped it on the towel. Its clean." Now, I couldn't get upset with Emily, as I'm 100% sure that Samantha was the guilty party in throwing my toothbrush in the toilet, and poor Emily, took it upon herself, to dry off my toothbrush and then put it in its proper place. It kind of makes you want to hug her, doesn't it?! I have brushed my teeth 3x since the incident and still cannot get the "Ick" feeling out of my mouth. I know its mental, but really, how do you get over something like that! :)
On to Samantha....OH SAMANTHA!! Where do I even start. That kid is a mess!! Literally! I never realized how different siblings could be. Where Emily is sweet and gentle, Samantha is silly and rough. She laughs about pretty much everything, and will put just about anything in her mouth. Including, but not limited to, dirt, fertilizer, chalk, crayons, and paper. No, she doesn't have a nutrient deficiency, she's just really curious!
She loves to sing songs and is already proficient in her numbers 1-15 and knows her ABC's. She is loud and messy and I think she's perfect.
I wish I had some new pics of the girls to post, but my camera broke. Boo hoo. So, as soon as that matter is corrected, I will get new photos up.
That's about all I have for now. If I think of anything else, I will be sure to jot it down.
I'm officially back on the ball with the blog, so expect some new posts soon, sans pictures of course!
Till next time...