...is that they are cold. The girls were thrilled the other day, when I decided to let them have Popsicles after lunch. Emily, being the true professional, devoured hers on top of the slide...away from little sister's grabby fingers. Samantha, being the Popsicle novice that she is, had a slightly harder time.
Now, I tried to explain to her that Popsicles where best held by the stick. But, in being determined to do things her own way, Sam decided the best way to hold her Popsicle was by the..well, Popsicle. This resulted in some major crying and blubbering on Sam's part. She wanted to eat the Popsicle more then anything but the pain that resulted from her tiny frozen fingers was almost too much for her to bear. Sad, I know.
Being the loving and nurturing mother that I am, I decided that this would be a good time to snap some photos.

Samantha and "the Popsicle" before things got ugly.

After she had thrown herself, and the Popsicle on the ground...

My little mess...of tears and grape Popsicle!
What kind of a mother would I be if I didn't capture these moments...
Till next time!
Disclaimer: No children, small fingers or Popsicles where permanently harmed in the posting of this blog.