and I am just now coming up for air. To those of you that have gotten on me about updating this blog, I thank you. Everyone needs a fire once in awhile you know?!
So the month started out with a visit from the Sitzmanns. Our far away, and very much loved and missed friends from Omaha. They came out for the fourth of July and we had loads of fun with the kids and running around San Diego. Our visits with them are far too infrequent. Here are just a few photos from their visit. These are the only ones I could load large enough to be viewed by the human eye. I will post more from this visit later...
After our visit with the Sitzmanns, Morgan came out for a couple weeks. Morgan is 9 1/2 now! I cant believe how grown up she is! We have missed her so much since Rochelle and the fam moved out to Texas. We stayed very busy those two weeks. Lots of trips to the beach, park...and yes, Build a Bear. We loved having her around. She has only been gone a few days and I miss her so much already. Emily loved spending time with her cousin...apparently, she is much more fun to play with then Mommy. Go figure!
Emily, about to throw handfuls of sand. Her fav beach activity!
(Insert eye roll)
Wait! Whats this...Yes! A picture of Corey and I DOES exist! Thanks Mo!

So thats it, my trip down memory lane for the month of July. Here are a few pics I took of the girls finger painting today. They both had lots of fun... Sam says red tastes better then yellow. I will have to take her word for it.

P.S. A few updates on the girls... I know, I know, this post keeps getting longer and longer. Thats what happens when time gets away from you.
Sam has started walking! She is up to three steps at a time! She is now into EVERYTHING! No magazine or cup is sacred!
Emily is starting Preschool in a month...SIGH! Where has the time gone! She is so thrilled to be starting school. Every day she askes me if its time to go yet. Lets just say she is more ready then Mommy.
Thanks for all of your patience!
Till next time!